Pixel Jar Products

We’ve been at website development for a long time. Over the years we’ve found there some things most companies need – websites, maintenance, and advertising. So, if you need a website build – we are your team. And if you then need that site, or any site maintained – we are your team. And if you need to run ads on your WordPress website, you guessed it – we are your team.

We starting building websites back in 2004. We’ve seen trends come and go. With each site we learn some more. Now after a few decades, we are good at what we do. Let us do that for you. Don’t waste time trying to any of this on your own. We’ve got you.

PJ Update - Easy WordPress Maintenance logo

PJ Update

Regular Updates and backups for your site

  • Twice monthly updates
  • Reviewed on a staging site before going live
  • Updates are reviewed by a real-life human
  • Automatic backups every 6 hours
  • Secure cloud-based back-up and restore
  • Malware/vulnerability scans every 6 hours
  • Domain and Blacklist health check
  • Emailed report sent after each update
  • Price lock guarantee
PJ OneDay Logo

PJ OneDay

Kickstart your site in a single day

  • An 8-hour one-on-one session over zoom
  • 1-year hosting (if needed)
  • Access to our developer library of themes, builders, and plugins
  • Consultation and advice
  • Learn how to build, update, and maintain your WordPress website
  • More features as needed

PJ SiteForge

Get a quality site for your small business

  • Custom in-browser design
  • Responsive website for desktop and mobile
  • SEO ready to help build organic traffic
  • Consultation and advice
  • 5 pages and a blog
  • More features as needed

*Sites start at $4,000. Custom functionality that exceeds the parameters of the product could increase the price. But we’ll discuss all this with you so there won’t be any surprises.

PJ Custom

A custom site built for your business

  • Custom art design for all distinct templates
  • Custom programming
  • Planning, consultation, and expert advice
  • Responsive website for desktop and mobile
  • SEO ready to help build organic traffic
  • 20 years of expertise