The Society of Composers and Lyricists

The Society of Composers and Lyricists were looking to bring their web presence into the modern era. Over years of adding small pieces of functionality, the site had become tough to manage. They wanted to consolidate the management of all these different elements. Meanwhile they need to simplify how members find news, information, and sign up for events.

With Nien Studios, we created a new logo, were responsible for analyzing data, strategizing on architecture, designing the templates, developing the theme, and migrating content.

Project Details



Website Design
Website Development
Membership Services
Web Consulting
Website Audit

A New Logo

Part of the mandate to bring SCL into the modern world with their website was also updating their logo. Their previous logo was created before all the current digital considerations needed to be made when creating a logo. And while they deal with all kinds of media, they also still wanted to pay tribute to their film roots.

Crucial Data Migration

SCL has been managing membership information for years. When bringing all that data into the new configuration, we had to be extra diligent about making sure all data mapped correctly to ensure there were no hiccups in anyone’s membership information and settings.

Maintaining Data Integrity

Over the life of the previous website SCL had data for members, newsletters, payments, subscribers, events, and site content. This meant tapping into various 3rd party APIs to centralize all the data so it could be managed in WordPress rather than having to log in to all these other services.

They helped us not only implement what we wanted, but made it better.

David Das

Technology Director, Society of Composers & Lyricists

Final Thoughts

This was a larger, long-term project that we were excited to take on. There was a lot of heavy lifting in the way of maintaining data integrity and improving the user experience for the site’s members. But this is exactly what 15 years in the web business had been training us for. We knew we could meet all the challenges of this project and provide quality solutions for the client.

Let’s Work Together!

We’d love to hear all about your project’s needs and challenges and we look forward to discussing how we can help you.