Thank You

You’ve taken your first step into a larger world…okay you’ve just signed up for our newsletter. We’ll send you information to help you get the most out of your website. We’ll talk soon! Until then, have a great day.
– The Pixel Jar Team

The Adventure Begins…

Your journey is just beginning. Websites should adapt and evolve as your business and needs do. We’re here to support your efforts whether that be direct action on our part, consulting with you to become self-sufficient, or some combination of the two. Thank you for the opportunity to collaborate!

In the meantime, catch up on our blog to read more about what we are up to.

tana parrott

Pixel Jar is dedicated, committed, super reliable and their communication is top notch. We always felt that they had our back and could handle anything that came their way.

Tana Parrott

VP of Business Operations at Marie Forleo International